Unknow Coins

Welcome to my Coin blog. It seems this site is going to be my unknown coin page so what I am going to be doing is loading up Photos of a huge amount of coins I can not Identify for various reasons, such as no legends or I am having a tough time making out what type of coin IE Roman, Greek. So please if you can ID any of these coins please post what you may think so I can add them to my records, even if it comes down to just making a general id. So please follow this blog as I will be adding a serious amount of photos, Ive been just skipping over them and now there's a rather large pile of them.

Best Wishes, and thank you so very much.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mystery Coin 18

Coin stats 15.6mm 4.5 grams

Mystery Coin 17

Coin stats 16.7mm 2.0 grams

Mystery Coin 16

Mystery Coin 15

Coin stats 18.3mm 3.6 grams

Mystery Coin 14

Coin stats 18.1mm 6.2 grams

Mystery Coin 13

Coin stats 18.7mm 4.2 grams

Mystery Coin 12

Coin stats 19.7mm 7.3 grams

Mystery Coin 11

Coin stats 23.4mm 6.6 grams

Mystery Coin 10

Coin stats 26.8mm 9.9 grams

Mystery Coin 9

Coin stats 16.6mm 4.6 grams

Mystery Coin 8

Coin stats 21.8mm 4.6 grams

Mystery Coin 7

Coin stats 16.7mm 0.8 grams thin

Mystery Coin 6

Coin stats 14.6mm 0.6 grams thin

Mystery Coin 5

Coin Stats 15.5mm 0.8 grams thin

Mystery Coin 4

Coin Stats 13.6mm 0.4 grams thin

Mystery Coin 3

Coin stats 18.9 mm 1.0 gram thin

Mystery Coin 2

Coin stats 19.4mm 0.9 grams thin

Mystery Coin 1

coin stats 10.8mm 2.4 grams and its very thick

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011



      obv. IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.                                      rev. CLEMENTIA TEMP Roma standing right holding sceptre receiving globe from Jupiter standing left holding sceptre.                                                                                  Ex. P     Mint:       Cyzicus 275 AD   AE Antoninianus Ticinum                                                                                       RIC v (I) 126, Cohen 19 Sear5 11770 (mars)      

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maximinus II

Maximinus II "Daza" Jupiter Saves Maximinus II 305-313 AD Large Follis
Obv. MAXIMINVS PF AVG Laureate head right
Rev. IOVI CONSERVSTORI AVGG Jupiter standing left, Holding Victory and Sceptre at feet left and Eagle with wreath in its beak.
EX. dot SM dot TS delta
Mint: Thessalonica 313 AD
RIC VI 47a page 517